Day 1 - Rally start - Delhi to Chandigarh

Morning send off…easy and relaxed affair

Early start and down to breakfast. Last minute banking and bill paying. Hard to stay focussed on these extra things. Someone said they thought I was nervous, funny when I thought about it. No not nervous just excited to get going.

Traditional Shaman blessing before departure….

It’s going to be a hot one.

A group of us - girls. Decided to register us as teams.

So one group is the Bentley Babes. The other not so original and made up of one young guy with long guy. The Bentley NAV.’s

Start- 10 am for car one Jacqui and Bill in an old Bentley I think a 1925.

Open car. Our start is 10 minutes afterwards. Through the hotel arches   Around the hotel and then out to the street. Interesting security there are is so few allowed in to the start


Today is more of less a Transit day, towards the Himalayas. So off we head, oh so so hot.

The roads are beldlam. There are no rules, no one observes any of the ususal road courtesy, lane lines, lights and signs are all ignored. The only rule that everyone understands is to use your horn often and loudly.

We go about 250 km.


© Anthony Strelzow 2017