Finally here


Well we are here, finally. Flight was uneventful, like it that way. Indian customs well that was another story. Moved through three different lines. I think some parts of Jolly old England don’t die and the colonial side of cueing and then re-cueing certainly lives on in India. 

After 45 minutes we were officially processed. It was 4:00 am . Line up was three deep not huge, can you imagine if there had been a crowd

Ravi met us outside and the blast of steamy heat hit hard. He reported the monsoon season is officially over.


Off we drove to the centre of the city and the Imperial Hotel. How fitting our hotel was built the same year as our car. 1936.


It is all built Art Deco style and  beautiful The interior of the hotel is absolutely gorgeous and in a style from days prior to independence. Art galleries on every floor

The road to the hotel was interesting. I think it was built in 1936 too, and probably never repaired. Cars drive willy nilly and i was amazed at our taxi driver weaving in and out of lane. Cars, trucks and TUK TUKS often looking like they were going to drive right into us but at the last second swerving away. Lanes don’t seem to exist, I swear you could easily hold handswith the car beside you,  if you rolled down your window .

© Anthony Strelzow 2017